Domestic Affairs · Leisure

.breakfast picnic at KLCC.

last month (March 19,2011 to be exact), i made a plan with my cousin to have a small breakfast picnic at KLCC park and bring our children to splish-splash themselves at an open area water park there.
this was my first outing with my cousin sejak-sejak we have our own family and i was actually so excited on this. (the plan was made one week earlier)
the initial plan was to be there at 9am but i reached there at 10 plus due to our endless domestic arrangement at home. so when i reached there, maya was already at the waterpark with her kids (she was earlier than me around 15 minutes).
so when we reached there, me and awop decided to have our breakfast first since it was already 10. halfway having our kuey tiau goreng we rushed to the wooden hut nearby as drizzle suddenly came down. then my cousin came to join us there (at the wooden hut) and we both had nasi lemak sambal udang which was made by my cousin. sedap gila woh sambal udang itu as i feel like swimming in it and eat it at the same time. (ye… itu adalah metaphoric form of me saying how delicious her sambal udang is!)
lepas hujan dah berhenti, we immediately brought our children to the wet area and let them have their own time main air, lompat-lompat and what not. khaleel idris was playing with alia all the time. anak aku yang ni sorang memang suka main-main ngan budak besar.

some of the pictures taken semasa aktiviti rekreasi hari tu:

these two little tots really had fun that day

 my khaleel idris
muhsein in his own world
and this is moi with tokey sambal udang…
para suami pulak dok sibuk layan anak so there is no decent photos of them i can put up here. amir’s photo (my cousin’s second child) was not in my camera also because he too was busy exploring the place all alone with his dad.
i look forward to have this kind of family activities again in the future and probably will plan this thing again in two months time. kali ni nak suruh tokey sambal udang jadi tokey sambal sotong pulak. hehehe…

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